Insights from Space

StarWiz’s vision is to bring insights into our Earth, our Society, our Living World, and ourselves, from space, with our satellites and images mining approaches.

We are focusing on developing advanced technologies on Optical and Radar Imaging Satellites Manufacturing, Data Processing and Information Retrieval. With the help of A.I.-powered professional analysis toolkits, we provide our customs reports of critical economic indexes, which are independent of governments and markets.

Our methodology

Results of these reports come from analyzing satellite images with the computational model developed by StarWiz based on machine learning. The patented method uses high-resolution remote sensing satellite data to calculate the oil storage for each tank. The method consists of preprocessing steps including radiation correction, cloud assessment, image registration, and feature extraction. Then the solar and satellites’ orbit parameters, sensor parameters, and other information known in advance are comprehensively carried out to complete this report. The high accuracy of oil storage could be achieved with these approaches.

We completed the verification experiment for the above-mentioned methods which verifying our typical application scenario, for instance, the oil storage capacity in the Cushing area of the United States. Verified with the official EIA data, the calculation of this model is with high accuracy in all samples we gathered for our customers.

Our partners

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Tsinghua University

China Construction Bank

Planet Inc.


AirBus Defence & Space


StarWiz officially delivers China weekly INE crude oil inventory reports through Thomson Reuters’ terminals

StarWiz Technology Co., Ltd., a start-up in China, launched today weekly deliveries of crude oil inventory reports on delivery facilities of China oil future trading on Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE). The reports will be delivered to hundreds of thousands users in financial businesses worldwide through Thomson Reuters’ EIKON terminals. StarWiz’s report of China Shanghai …


The core members of StarWiz’s team are from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University and leading institutions in China. We have over twenty years of professional experience in the fields of satellite design, manufacturing and applications in multiple industries.